

I am a big fan of Brian Stokes Mitchell.  This is one of my favorite performances of his and it completely expresses how I feel – GRATEFUL!

I hope you all have a joyous Thanksgiving surrounded by people you love.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

Categories: Gratitude, Happy Things, Music | Leave a comment

Proud to be an American!


I just wanted to take a minute to thank my Uncle Phil, my cousin John and all the men and women who keep this Country that I love safe.

To Liz A. Howell, thank you for your example of dedicated service these past 10 years. It’s because of people like you that make this Nation great!

I pray that God will continue to bless these United States of America!

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Things I’m Grateful For!

There are many things that I am grateful for and this past Thanksgiving season made me even more grateful! I’m grateful for:
1. Supportive family & friends
2. Living in The United States of America and all the freedoms I enjoy
3. The many men and women who have served or are currently serving in the military to preserve our freedoms and the sacrifices they and their families make.
4. People in the fashion industry that support, encourage and promote positive and healthy self-images for females through modest fashions (Eliza Magazine and Eva Khurshid)
5. The opportunity to express my creative whims easily.
6. Talents that I was blessed with from Heavenly Father
7. That I have patient people willing to help me gain new skills and make them talents
8. That I can see color! I LOVE colors and how they brighten up so many different aspects of life!
9. My Hands – it’d be much harder for me to express myself verbally, creatively and others without my hands.
10. Mother Nature – there is endless beauty and an abundance of awe inspiring places all over this Earth we live on. I’m so thankful I’m able to enjoy so much where I live and look forward to exploring this world the rest of my life so that I can enjoy even more!
11. Modern Transportation – this has indulged my wander lust. Road trips, train, airplane, cruises & bus trips are something I know I don’t appreciate enough. Within a matter of hours I can be on the other side of the World easily. Living a few States away from family/friends does not mean we’ll never see each other again like it did in the past Century.
12. Everyone who visits and comments on my blog and all my customers at Cache of Panache!

This is just a small list of the things that I am grateful for.

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